Grandma just arrived and is making goofy faces to get Beck to look at the camera... not working... of course Mommy stole the camera and caught this wonderful expression... Oh well! We had fun!
Grandma just flew in to visit (6+hours) and we have stopped at Fajitas & 'Ritas in Boston for a bite to eat... drawing around our hand on the restaurant "tablecloth". Beck just loves to flirt with the waitresses
It snowed the day after I arrived... Dec. 4th So beautiful but very cold to go outside... nice warm fires inside... It snowed again towards the end of the week too... something about when Grandma comes to visit... of course it could be because it is winter time in New England...
Hi Beck!
Guess what cupboard Beck has almost emptied all over the kitchen floor... sooooo much fun!
Karen's Birthday Dinner at "Not Your Ordinary Joe's" restaurant... Good food... nice of Grandpa to treat... even though he couldn't be there...
Sitting on Grandma's lap... Karen got the camera then Beck decided to take Grandma's earring off... fascinating...
Mommy and Beck in front of the tree...
Mommy got caught trying to get Beck to look at the camera... making a funny face.. In front of the Christmas tree
First time wearing shoes...don't I look spiffy..?
I'm almost ready to walk on my own...
Happy Thanksgiving week. Mike and Karen and the girls got to come visit for almost a whole week... fun to tromp through the leaves and make noise...
We've been around the block a few times... beautiful day....
I'm tired mommy... Lucy says... give me a ride on the scooter pleeeeeze
Snuggling with Uncle Mark...he came home for overnight from Fresno just to see his family...
Lucy and Megan visiting Grandpa's clinic and getting to hold the kitties...
Yes... my turn!!! Don't squeeze too tight...
I don't want to give it back...
Oh how much Lucy loves those kitties... didn't want to leave... only did so with much protest
Caught Lucy playing in Bear's cage... cozy little spot when you know how to get in and out... Bear doesn't like it cause he can't figure out how to escape, like Lucy can...
It is fun to hide under the card table...
Helping Grandpa put up the lights for Christmas... or at least watching Grandpa do it...
Out in the front yard, playing with the dogs and helping Grandpa
Thanksgiving dinner at the Wine and Roses Buffet with Great Aunt Grace, Larry and Cathy