Wednesday, March 19, 2014

First 2 days of trip to England...

Monday St. Patrick's Day ...Our plane has landed in Portland and is unloading  to prepare for us...
Grandpa is patiently waiting for our flight
A mountain observed along the way...
We are now on the other side of the "pond" having flown from Vancouver to GB on a 777 with more than 500 other people... not sleeping... But it is now Tuesday in the middle of the day when we arrive and K and B pick us up at Heathrow Airport... Jet lag has set in.. Played with grands and went for a walk to feed the swans. Passed this church St Peter's Church of Caversham to get down to the River Thames.
Many old gravestones that are getting hard to read but spoke of hard times with one stone with two children dying at very young ages in the 1800's

Flowers growing out of the grass 

This is the diagram of Caversham Court only the foundation stones exist

The troups are at the job of feeding peas to the swans
Grandpa off to check out the area
Hungry greedy swan
Boys feeding hungry greedy swan

Another swan on it's way, more to follow

Ducks and coots come along as well

I had a hard time sleeping but grandpa slept pretty well he said! Up the next morning to walk to the Village of Caversham. This is the St Peter's Church Caversham that we walked by

Forsythia in bloom with the daffy's
Down the road to the Village
Tea and goodies at the local bakery
Visited the Caversham Library to return books and borrow more
Beautiful old building
you can't see it in this small picture but there is a swan weathervain
Off to the playground down by the Thames on the opposite side from where we were on Tues.
King of the mountain and the bridge!
Looking for squid the youngest said
Or pirates

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